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Legacy - Asp.Net Web Form - Tracing Your Web Page Performance

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Asp.Net Web Forms, can be considered as a legacy technology, but somehow it is still widely used in the industry ( as for today date 2018 ). In this article, we will discuss on how to perform web page Tracing, a technique that will help us analyze our front end performance, It is very useful in collecting end-user data analytics. This article will become handy if we need to work our way out with working/maintaining/enhancing our complex legacy systems

It is advised to perform such task at a staging/development environment. As tracing will reveal some sensitive information about our system

How To Trace Your Site
There are 3 different ways to perform Web Page Tracing
1. From Code Behind - Is preferred when we experience working with the source code.
2. From The ASPX page - If you have a compiled solution by your developers, and you wanted to perform the performance analysis details by tweaking the ASPX page.
3. From The Web.Config File - Please take note, adding at the web.config file will affect all the pages in the solution, It is advisable to have a staging solution if we planning to perform Web Page Tracing.

From The Code Behind
We may instruct a specific page to send tracing information to the web page by placing a few line of code at the Page_Load method.
From The .Aspx page
We may browse our aspx page is our solution folder, pick the desired page that we want to trace, and add the code like below
From Web Config File
Finally if we have a staging server, all we need is to remotely enter the server, update the web.config file like below, and now all the web pages are assigned with tracing details.
Tracing is a helpful way to experience analytics in details of how the pages perform when they arrived at the user browsers. From this article we may make use Tracing capability in various ways depending on our needs.

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Published on : 27-Dec-2018
Legacy Published on : 1-Jan-2015
Ref no : DDN-L-WPUB-00002

About Author

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I am passionate about technology and of course love Durians. Certified by Microsoft as MCP Since 2011. Blogging from Malaysia
