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Postman are great tool to perform testing and debugging especially when we are working a lot with web services. Making sure that all the Rest/Soap call return the expected results with the right request header is important in determining your Saas application reliability.
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With postman we may debug our call to web services using many Http verbs. Below are some of the example of the verbs that available .

There are many cool features such as Header customization, Content-type customization, Security options for each call and many more . When you are developing either WebAPI or Web services, Postman become handy when we know how to use it.
Details can be found below

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Published on : 13-Jan-2018
Ref no : DDN-WPUB-000055

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I am passionate about technology and of course love Durians. Certified by Microsoft as MCP Since 2011. Blogging from Malaysia
